Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Pheromone Cologne for Men: An Empirical Cologne for Men Review

If you are unable to decide which Pheromone Cologne is right for you, then you have arrived at the right place. I have to date, field tested and reviewed the top 43 pheromone cologne for men products, and have opted to create this site to compile and share all my results with you!


Being a freelance product review specialist, I had the opportunity to review my first pheromone cologne for men back in December of 2007. Quite frankly, I thought it would be a cake walk! Truth be told, before I even tested any of these products, I simply did not believe that pheromones worked at all, and it's pretty easy to write a negative review so I thought this would be an easy task!

Then things got more complicated. After doing a lot of research online regarding pheromone colognes, I was really only able to come up with two solid conclusions from my research presented by the scientific community. In short, there are really only two schools of thought concerning pheromone colognes;

The 1st School of Thought States:

They really don't know if pheromone colognes work or not. Insufficient clinical data.

The 2nd School of Thought States:

Certain pheromones do "something" to "some" people, but they really don't know to what 'extent' or 'why some people respond to them and others do not.

This is where I came in. Since science has not really caught-up in the field of pheromone research, I decided that it would be best, as well as fun and amusing perhaps, to conduct my own empirical pheromone review. In short, I used the oldest method of scientific clinical evaluation...Observation!

I did what most product review folks shudder at the thought of doing, I ordered the products, field tested them over many days, and simply documented my observations and changes in behavior of folks around me, nothing more.

Over the next 43 days I plain on posting the compiled results of all my field testing here, hope you enjoy my reviews on Pheromone Cologne for Men!

This review entitled "Pheromone Cologne for Men" is brought to you by Pheromone Cologne for Men: An Empirical Cologne Review.Blogspot.com.