Simply the best stand alone pheromone cologne for men per the results of my field testing, turned out to be James Vaughn Kohl's, The Scent of Eros for men.
The Scent of Eros is a pheromone cologne for men that is specifically designed to elicit a friendly response from folks near the wearer. Specifically, the pheromone cologne's claims and benefits are to;
"dissolve personal space between you and the target, enhancing others general friendliness, chattiness, attraction, and making them calm and relaxed around the wearer..."
The Scent of Eros is one men's pheromone cologne that did not disappoint, and I dare say should be the prime weapon in any pheromone cologne users arsenal. The Scent of Eros for Men delivered on it's claims. However, it is worth pointing out in the interest of being clear and comprehensive, that the Scent of Eros for Men is best suited and extremely more effective when used in conjunction with another pheromone cologne for men, called Alpha-7 Scented.
Why? Simply put, the Scent of Eros does tend to make folks more friendly, happy, and much more chatty around the wearer, which is a great benefit and social lubricant! However, the Scent of Eros by itself, is not one of those pheromone colognes that "usually" creates feelings of strong sexual attraction. I say usually, there are exceptions as to how intensely some folks respond, but typically the Scent of Eros will produce friendly, happy, chatty, touchy feely results, but not pure sexual attraction.
If one is not concerned with this, no problem. The Scent of Eros can be worn by itself socially, or even at work for better interaction with co-workers or clients. However, once you add Alpha-7 Scented into the mix, you now introduce a serious element of 'sexual attraction,' in addition to the friendly, happy, chatty, touchy feely atmosphere. Wearing both the Scent of Eros and Alpha-7 Scented pheromone colognes for Men typically produces some very interesting and intense results. Not recommended to be worn in combination in the workplace.
I will not ramble on about The Scent of Eros for Men here, as I have well reviewed this particular pheromone cologne for men elsewhere.
If you wish to read my specific reviews, and what occured on the days I wore the Scent of Eros, please visit my review at;
Or my Ezine Article review entitled,
This review entitled "Pheromone Cologne for Men: A Pheromone Cologne for Men Review #1: The Scent of Eros" has been brought to you by Pheromone Cologne for Men: A Pheromone